Wednesday, August 8, 2012

'Total Recall' Concept Art Paints a New Vision of the Future

As soon as the Total Recall remake was announced, fans of the original accused director Len Wiseman of serving up an unnecessary retread of what many consider to be one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's better action epics. However, regardless of your opinion on the new version (read our review), there's no denying the film bears many differences from Paul Verhoeven's 1990 classic (and Philip K. Dick short story 'We Can Remember It for You Wholesale,' on which it's based), including its sharp visuals.

To that end, videogame site Kotaku has released a collection of images from the new Total Recall, as presented by concept artist Stephan Martiniere. Martiniere's work includes several high-profile projects, including the Star Wars prequels, The Fifth Element and Tron: Legacy.

Here's what he had to say about his work on the new film:

'The world in' Total Recall' is architecturally very unique. It's a multi-level environment blending modern and neo classic architecture. Buildings are built above or hanging under huge platforms or levels stacked in complex arrangements. I was concentrating on establishing an environment that felt both intricate, busy and cohesive, a world that was familiar but also would take your breath away.'

Now, check out the concept art below:

Some have compared the aesthetic of Wiseman's Total Recall to films like 2002's Minority Report (which, incidentally, also starred Colin Farrell). Both films seem to have strived to create a future that is more technologically advanced than our own time but still retains a level of plausibility in the worlds they create.

This is not to take anything away from Martiniere's incredibly detailed work, as the images serve that purpose quite well and neatly contrast with the original Total Recall. However, perhaps this is one remake that strayed too far away from its predecessor, putting off existing fans and failing to inspire new ones to head to theater. Following its modest performance at the box office, it's unlikely that initial rumblings of a sequel will come to pass.

Do you think this concept art is a fair representation of the finished film, and did Wiseman's Total Recall have a cooler look than the Schwarzenegger original? Let us know in the comments.

Total Recall is in theaters everwhere.


Source: Kotaku


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