Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The 10 Most Badass Movie Combat Units

Image of The 10 Most Badass Movie Combat Units
The Expendables 2 has pretty much punched its way into theaters on swagger alone, collecting some of the most badass tough guys ever to appear onscreen into one unbeatable team.

Inspired by that level of badassery, we here at Screen Rant selected ten other great combat units who have left their knuckle prints and shell casings indented in the silver screen. But before we get into the list, a few ground rules that helped us pick the candidates:

1) The teams have to number three or more 2) The teams have to have been assembled for the purpose of combat 3) The teams have to have kicked ass (those that simply bled and died need not apply).

Now that we have the ground rules out of the way, lets meet our top 10 most badass movie combat units:


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